Ready for the Spring Indoor golf Tournament?


We’ll know who’s ready for the incoming golf season…


Course: Mauna Kea, HI


Vegas teams of 2

Gimme: 4′

Wind: None

Tee off : Women = Red tees   Men = White tees

Cost / player : Rate + $6 +tx

Members: $6 +tx

Play your game anytime between April 8th to 14th.


Indoor golf tournament with 3 classes :

Total players handicap : 0 to 15

Total players handicap : 15 to 30

Total players handicap : 30 +


Threesome at Whitlock Golf & Country Club with James Collin Davis:

Between all participants, we’ll draw a winner of a threesome at the Whitlock Golf and Country Club, playing with James Collin Davis, professional and CPGA.


Congrats to Martin Lacasse, winner of the Threesome.




In each class:

1 twosome at the Atlantide Golf Club

1 twosome at the Falcon Golf Club

1 twosome at the Hawkesbury Golf & Curling Club

In case of a tie, a draw will make the winner of the prizes.



Congrats to all participants.